Author name: Murroe Wood Park

Why we want a fun and safe skatepark

We have with the recent opening of the Skate Park been delighted with the response and the use of our local younger generation. It is obvious that the children are loving the skate park, and we are seeing huge use of the facility.

We have had some questions regarding the age limit of over 10’s on the skatepark from some younger children and parents alike. We want to address how we came to this decision and reasoning to be completely clear with the local community and to help paint a full picture.

During the process of designing the skatepark, we engaged in feedback and consultation with the community and with skaters and other skatepark facilities. Based on that feedback the design of the facility and the set age limitations were decided upon. We also know that the under 10 age group need an improved playground, which we are at the latter stages of design and development. Expect more on that news soon.

Secondly, we had to get private, and expensive, insurance. Our insurers have asked that we follow the Managing Risk in Recreational Facilities and Leisure Centre’s guide to lower the risk of an insurance claim. We know that if a claim is taken against us we would very likely have to close the Skatepark permanently. No one in this community would want such a thing to happen, so we ask you all – as responsible parents and children – to follow our over 10 year’s old age limit on the skatepark.

Since we have had this feedback, we are also exploring the idea of managed and supervised skate events that could include children under the 10 year age group, and we hope to report back on that in the future if that can be made happen.

We have also been asked to give guidelines on our volunteers and their authority to ensure the safety of you and your children in our skatepark and other facilities, current and future. Any standing board member holds this authority. The manager of the Park is Mr Eamonn O’Sullivan who can be contacted during the weekdays on 061 571497 or by email at

Thank you for your support,

Murroe Wood Park Board

Why we want a fun and safe skatepark Read More »

Skatepark is open!

We are proud to announce that our skatepark has FINALLY opened at Murroe Wood Park.

We are very grateful to Ballyhoura Development CLG for helping us to get this off the ground (or on the ground?). This project was generously funded by the LCDC through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: LEADER 2014-2020.

We ask that everyone familiarise themselves with the rules, which are posted at the gate. It was a long battle to get this facility opened so please respect the rules and this space. Enjoy!

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Fundraising, Financials and Footpaths!

As the development at the centre of Murroe village has taken shape in the past two years it is time for an update on its progress and future plans. Many of you now exercise on our new 800m walking track or come to the artificial surface pitch for sports. Very soon your teens and young adults will have a state of the art skatepark to enjoy and get some outdoor physical activity. Just before going to print with this article we have received funding to extend the walking footpath around the entire site with accompanying lighting. We hope to see this completed by Autumn 2020, just in time for winter nights of walking.

The community of Murroe/Boher rejoiced with the Board of Murroe Wood Park when we received news late last year of our successful application to the Rural Regeneration & Development Fund. We have been awarded a fund of €3.8million in partnership with Ballyhoura Development. Of course, this money is not sitting in our bank account and is only released in stages after each piece of work is completed and certified. This very significant investment will allow us to create a true community centre as phase three of this extensive project. We will deliver a building and outdoor spaces for recreation across the generations. Early in the New Year we will appoint the team of professionals who will design the community building and manage the construction. It is planned that we will break ground on this site in the second half of next year.

This grant funding is one of many which Murroe Wood Park has been successful in obtaining since 2016. These are listed in the table below. Each and every one of these grant bids takes a volunteer team many weeks work. The application forms are often very long and tedious, running to hundreds of pages. It is important to remember that while the funds received seem very large, they will not complete the project in its entirety. The local community is always expected to contribute a ‘matched’ amount of money, often in the region of 10%. In order to complete the full Murroe Wood Park vision, we must still fundraise a minimum of €400,000. Of course, this will not be possible by depending on donations from the people of Murroe/Boher alone but we will be returning to the fundraising stage in April 2020 so keep a close eye out for our next extravaganza. Each fundraising effort brings us closer to the day when we complete Murroe Wood Park to its full potential, enriching our community and its people.

Name of schemeFunding organisationAmount of funding
Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2019Dept of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs€70,879
Digital Technologies Fund 2019Dept. of Rural & Community Development€17,250
Sports Capital Programme 2018Dept. of Transport, Tourism & Sport€55,621
Rural Regeneration & Development Fund 2018Dept. of Rural & Community Development€3,800,000
2018 Community Enhancement ProgrammeDept. of Rural and Community Development€5,000
LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014-2020Dept. of Rural & Community Development €127,671
Sports Capital Programme 2017Dept. of Transport, Tourism & Sport€67,500
Communities Facilities Scheme 2017Dept. of Rural and Community Development€1,000
Healthy Limerick Funding 2017Local Community Development Committee, Limerick City & County Council€5,000
Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2017Dept of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs€99,389
IPB Community Social Engagement Fund 2016IPB Insurance€10,000
Hinterland Fund 2016Dept of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government, & Limerick City & County Council€500,000

Fundraising, Financials and Footpaths! Read More »

Winter Sunday Special – 1 Year in…..

Can you believe it! We have been a whole year in operation at Murroe Wood Park. As part of that celebration we are offering our users a special rate on Sundays until the end of 2019.

Book our full pitch for one hour and get 80% off the next hour. That’s 2 hours for €120

This promotion applies to full pitch bookings from 9am to 4.30pm on Sundays only. 2 Hour bookings only get this discount. The promotion runs until the end of December 2019 on a first come first serve basis. 

Remember, you are not charged on the booking until the day of the booking, and you can change the booking up to 12 hours beforehand.

Please book here

(Note, that until we update the booking system, the rate may state the original pricing. Don’t worry, we will manually fix it until the code geeky people fix that!)

Winter Sunday Special – 1 Year in….. Read More »

Introducing the Board members of Murroe Wood Park

Murroe Wood Park is managed as a company limited by guarantee and has a Board of members drawn from the community of Murroe/Boher. This Board is chaired by Richard Walsh and the current membership includes: Fr. Simon Sleeman, Denis Holmes, Dorothy Madden, John Buckley, Caroline Hickey, Brian Lonergan, Nick Whittome, Noreen O’Connell and Laura Tobin. All members give voluntarily of their time and expertise to ensure that this community facility is developed to the highest standard and will continue to do so as we move into Phase 2 of the development. Please feel free to contact any Board member with suggestions or queries. Our email is:



Photo credit: Willie Carey (missing from photos: Fr. Simon Sleeman and Noreen O’Connell).


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